Tech Glossary
Tech terms that start with special characters
- !!!Batch
- $1
- $tonePits
- (())
- (c)
- (TM)
- *MOD
- -
- -oid
- -ware
- .cshrc
- .login
- .mailrc
- .NET framework
- .newsrc
- .twmrc
- /dev/null
- 0/1 knapsack problem
- 1.TR.6
- 2
- 2.PAK
- 3Com Corporation
- 3DNow!
- 3DNow! Professional
- 3DO
- 3Station
- 5th Glove
- 6.001
- 6to4
- 8.3
- 8N1
- 9PAC
- 10base2
- 10base5
- 10baseT
- 16 bit
- 16-bit application
- 16C850
- 20-GATE
- 32-bit application
- 51forth
- 56 kbps
- 56k line
- 64-bit
- 88open
- 100BaseFX
- 100BaseT
- 100BaseTX
- 100BaseVG
- 120 reset
- 386BSD
- 404
- 431A
- 473L Query
- 586
- 610
- 650x
- 686
- 802.11a
- 802.11b
- 802.11g
- 1802
- 4510
- 6501
- 6502
- 6510
- 6526
- 8250
- 8450
- 8514
- 16000
- 16450
- 16550
- 16550A
- 16650
- 16750C
- 65816
- 82430FX
- <g>
- <gr&d>
- ??
- @-party
- @Begin
- @stake
- [incr Tcl]
- \begin
- \big
- \BV
- \perp
- \sqcap
- \sqcup
- \sqsubseteq
- \subseteq
- \uparrow
- \{@}
- {IDF}
- {log}
- ~
- ~#
- µCurse